Key-Value Store =============== Every Skein application contains a `key-value store `_ running on the application master. This provides a way for containers to share runtime configuration parameters (e.g. service addresses), as well as coordinate state between containers. Skein takes inspiration from other key-value stores (especially `etcd `_), with simplifications and specializations for YARN as seen fit. .. contents:: :local: Overview -------- - Keys are UTF-8 encoded strings (``str`` in Python), with values as arbitrary raw bytes (``bytes`` in Python). - The lifetime of a key or keys can be tied to the lifetime of a YARN container (referred to as the "owner" of the key). When the container completes, all keys owned by it will be deleted. - Operations work on single keys, ranges of keys, or keys starting with a specific prefix (e.g. all keys beginning with ``"foo"``). - Atomic bulk transactions are supported. Several operations can be applied in a single transaction, potentially based on a set of conditions. - Clients can subscribe to a range (or ranges) of keys for changes and react accordingly. Walkthrough ----------- To illustrate all the functionality provided by the key-value store, and how it might be useful, the remainder of this page is a complete runnable example. To start off, we'll create a test application with a single container that sleeps forever. .. code-block:: python >>> import skein >>> spec = skein.ApplicationSpec.from_yaml(""" ... name: example ... services: ... sleeper: ... resources: ... memory: 128 MiB ... vcores: 1 ... script: | ... sleep infinity ... """) >>> client = skein.Client() >>> app = client.submit_and_connect(spec) KeyValueStore Basics ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. currentmodule:: skein.kv The :class:`KeyValueStore` class implements the standard ``MutableMapping`` interface. As mentioned above, all keys must be ``str``, and all values must be ``bytes``. All of these methods happen *atomically* in a single transaction, meaning there are no race conditions between one client checking state and another client modifying it. To start off, let's put some data on the key-value store. We'll use the :func:`KeyValueStore.update` method to put multiple values in a single transaction: .. code-block:: python # Originally the key-value store is empty >>> len(app.kv) 0 # Add some data >>> app.kv.update({'apples': b'1.22', 'apricots': b'8.99', 'bananas': b'0.56', 'oranges': b'7.96'}) # Now there are 4 items >>> len(app.kv) 4 As with other mutable mappings, you can get, set, and delete values using the standard interface: .. code-block:: python # Get the value for 'apples' >>> app.kv['apples'] b'1.22' # Add a new value for 'grapes' >>> app.kv['grapes'] = b'2.88' # Check if 'grapes' is present >>> 'grapes' in app.kv True # Update the value for 'grapes' >>> app.kv['grapes'] = b'2.61' # Delete 'grapes' >>> del app.kv['grapes'] Iteration ~~~~~~~~~ Since :class:`KeyValueStore` supports the ``MutableMapping`` interface, things like iterating over the keys work as expected. The iteration order is alphabetical based on keys, as the mapping is sorted internally (more on that later). .. code-block:: python >>> list(app.kv) ['apples', 'apricots', 'bananas', 'oranges'] However, sometimes using the standard iteration based protocols can unsafe or inefficient. Since the key-value store is a shared mapping with potentially many clients making changes concurrently, you need need to think about race-conditions when passing the key-value store to functions that might make use of iteration in a potentially unsafe way. For example, calling ``dict`` on the key-value store object works as expected, but is not the best way to get all key-value pairs for two reasons: - Interally, ``dict`` iterates over the keys in the provided mapping. It's implemented something like: .. code-block:: python def dict(mapping): out = {} for k in mapping: out[k] = mapping[k] return out Since iterating over the keys and copying out their values happens over multiple operations, other clients may have changed the key-value store between operations, meaning the output ``dict`` may represent an inconsistent state. - Additionally, calling ``dict`` on the mapping results in multiple operations, reducing efficiency as it makes more calls than required. For these reasons, it's better to use methods that operate on `Ranges and Prefixes`_ instead: .. code-block:: python >>> dict(app.kv) # unsafe and inefficient {'apples': b'1.22', 'apricots': b'8.99', 'bananas': b'0.56', 'oranges': b'7.96'} >>> app.kv.get_range() # safe and efficient OrderedDict([('apples', b'1.22'), ('apricots', b'8.99'), ('bananas', b'0.56'), ('oranges', b'7.96')]) Ranges and Prefixes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Key-value pairs are sorted internally, allowing for efficient operations on ranges of keys. Ranges are start *inclusive* and end *exclusive*. If start or end are unspecified, the range is unbounded on that side. Many methods have range versions, allowing for bulk operations in a single call. Operations on keys starting with a certain "prefix" are also supported. These are special cases of range operations (since ``get_prefix("abc")`` is equivalent to ``get_range(start="abc", end="abd")``). .. code-block:: python # Lookup all keys starting with "ap" >>> app.kv.get_prefix("ap") OrderedDict([('apples', b'1.22'), ('apricots', b'8.99')]) # Lookup all keys in ["apricots", "oranges") >>> app.kv.get_range(start="apricots", end="oranges") OrderedDict([('apricots', b'8.99'), ('bananas', b'0.56')]) # Pop all keys after "m" >>> removed = app.kv.pop_range(start="m") >>> removed OrderedDict([('oranges', b'7.96')]) >>> len(app.kv) # the key was removed 3 # Put it back >>> app.kv.update(removed) >>> len(app.kv) 4 Additional Methods ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Besides the ``MutableMapping`` interface, the :class:`KeyValueStore` class provides a larger set of methods for common operations. Each of these runs as a single atomic transaction, and most have variations for a single key, a range of keys, or a key prefix. .. autosummary:: KeyValueStore.count KeyValueStore.list_keys KeyValueStore.exists KeyValueStore.missing KeyValueStore.get KeyValueStore.get_prefix KeyValueStore.get_range KeyValueStore.pop KeyValueStore.pop_prefix KeyValueStore.pop_range KeyValueStore.discard KeyValueStore.discard_prefix KeyValueStore.discard_range KeyValueStore.put KeyValueStore.swap Ownership ~~~~~~~~~ Skein's key-value store provides a key ownership model. This allows the lifetime of a key or keys to be tied to the lifetime of a YARN container (referred to as the "owner" of the key). When the container finishes (whether after success, failure, or being killed by the user), any keys owned by that container are deleted. This can be useful for tracking container lifetimes, or implementing robust locks that are released when a container exits. Owners are specified as *skein* container ids. These are different than their YARN counterparts, and are strings of the form ``{service-name}_{instance-number}`` (e.g. ``myservice_1``). Container ids can be obtained in a few ways: - From a :class:`Container` object: .. code-block:: python >>> [ for c in app.get_containers()] ['sleeper_0'] - When running code on a container, the executing container id is available in the :data:`` object: .. code-block:: python # Example of code executing in a container >>> import skein >>> 'myservice_10' To set or change the owner for a key, pass a container id to :func:`KeyVaueStore.put` or :func:`KeyValueStore.swap` via the ``owner`` keyword. Likewise the owner of a key or keys can be retrieved using the normal ``get`` methods by providing ``return_owner=True``. .. code-block:: python # First scale up the 'sleeper' service to 2 containers >>> app.scale('sleeper', 2) [Container] # Create a new key 'grapes', and set the owner to 'sleeper_0' >>> app.kv.put('grapes', b'2.88', owner='sleeper_0') # Get the full value & owner record for 'grapes' >>> app.kv.get('grapes', return_owner=True) ValueOwnerPair(value=b'2.88', owner='sleeper_0') # Change the value, owner stays the same >>> app.kv.put('grapes', b'2.61') >>> app.kv.get('grapes', return_owner=True) ValueOwnerPair(value=b'2.61', owner='sleeper_0') # Change the owner, value stays the same >>> app.kv.put('grapes', owner='sleeper_1') >>> app.kv.get('grapes', return_owner=True) ValueOwnerPair(value=b'2.61', owner='sleeper_1') # To clear the owner, set to None >>> app.kv.put('grapes', owner=None) >>> app.kv.get('grapes', return_owner=True) ValueOwnerPair(value=b'2.61', owner=None) When a container exits, all of its owned keys (if any) are deleted. .. code-block:: python # Set the owner of grapes to 'sleeper_1' >>> app.kv.put('grapes', owner='sleeper_1') >>> 'grapes' in app.kv True # Kill the 'sleeper_1' container >>> app.kill_container('sleeper_1') >>> 'grapes' in app.kv False Transactions ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Skein provides support for applying several operations in a single transaction, potentially based on a set of conditions. This is useful for preventing race conditions. For example, say you want to get the value of a key if it exists, and if it doesn't you want to set the value to a default and then return the default (this is the ``setdefault`` method from the ``MutableMapping`` interface). A naive implementation would suffer from a couple race conditions: .. code-block:: python def naive_setdefault(self, key, default): """A naive implementation of MutableMapping.setdefault""" if key in self: # Race condition 1: key could be deleted by a different client # between the contains check and the getitem return self[key] else: # Race condition 2: key could be created by a different client # between the contains check and the setitem self[key] = default return default The :func:`KeyValueStore.transaction` method exists to solve this problem. This takes 3 parameters: - A sequence of :class:`Condition` objects to evaluate together. The conditional expression succeeds if all conditions evaluate to True, and fails otherwise. If no conditions are provided the conditional expression also succeeds. - A sequence of :class:`Operation` objects to apply if all conditions evaluate to True. - A sequence of :class:`Operation` objects to apply if any condition evaluates to False. Conditions ^^^^^^^^^^ :class:`Condition` objects are prechecks on the state of the key-value store. They can check for the existance or absence of a key, as well as comparisons (equality or order) on the value or owner corresponding with a key. .. autosummary:: exists missing value owner comparison A few examples .. code-block:: python >>> from skein import kv # A condition to check if 'grapes' exists >>> kv.exists('grapes') exists('grapes') # A condition to check if the value of 'apples' is b'123' >>> kv.value('apples') == b'123' value('apples') == b'123' # A condition to check if the value of 'apples' is greater than b'000' >>> kv.value('apples') > b'000' value('apples') > b'000' # A condition to check if 'apples' has an owner >>> kv.owner('apples') != None owner('apples') != None Operations ^^^^^^^^^^ :class:`Operation` objects are operations to apply to the key-value store. These coincide with the `Additional Methods`_ described above - for every method on the :class:`KeyValueStore` there is an identical operation in the :mod:`skein.kv` namespace. .. autosummary:: count list_keys exists missing get get_prefix get_range pop pop_prefix pop_range discard discard_prefix discard_range put swap A few examples .. code-block:: python >>> from skein import kv # An operation to get the value of 'apples' >>> kv.get('apples') get('apples', default=None, return_owner=False) # An operation to set the value of 'grapes' to b'123' >>> kv.put('grapes', b'123') put('grapes', value=b'123', owner=no_change) Implementing ``setdefault`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Using the above, we can do an atomic implementation of ``setdefault``. .. code-block:: python from skein import kv def setdefault(self, key, default): """A safe, atomic implementation of MutableMapping.setdefault""" # If the key exists, get the value, otherwise set the value to default res = self.transaction(conditions=[kv.exists(key)], on_success=[kv.get(key)], on_failure=[kv.put(key, default)]) if res.succeeded: # Condition succeeded, return result of get return res.results[0] else: # Condition failed, key didn't exist. Return default return default Event Streams ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Skein provides a way for clients to subscribe to a range (or ranges) of keys for changes. This can be useful for waiting for certain keys to be set, or creating larger abstractions for coordinating workers like locks or semaphores. .. autosummary:: KeyValueStore.event_queue EventQueue EventFilter Event To subscribe to an event stream you can use either :func:`KeyValueStore.event_queue` and :func:`` (the latter is shorthand for creation and subscription). Both methods return an instance of :func:`EventQueue`, an object similar to ``Queue`` from the standard library, with a few additional features: - :class:`EventQueue` objects are iterable, allowing for easy looping of events: .. code-block:: python # Iterate through all events for keys starting with foobar for event in'foobar'): ... - :class:`EventQueue` objects have additional methods :func:`EventQueue.subscribe` and :func:`EventQueue.unsubscribe`, for adding/removing subscriptions. .. code-block:: python eq = app.kv.event_queue() eq.subscribe(prefix='service_1') eq.subscribe(prefix='service_2') for event in eq: ... Internally, all :class:`EventQueue` objects are filled by the same worker thread fed by a single client connection with the server. This helps minimize the cost of creating additional event queues or subscribing to new event ranges. When an :class:`EventQueue` object is collected, the event stream will be automatically unsubscribed. To manually handle unsubscription you can also use an event queue as a contextmanager, or call :func:`EventQueue.unsubscribe_all`. .. code-block:: python # All event filters will unsubscribe on exit from this block with app.kv.event_queue() as eq: eq.subscribe(prefix='service_1') eq.subscribe(prefix='service_2') while True: event = eq.get() ... eq.subscribe(start='a', end='b') ... # explicitly unsubscribe from all event filters eq.unsubscribe_all() Iterating through the event queue or using methods like :func:`EventQueue.get` yield instances of :class:`Event` - a ``namedtuple`` containing - The ``key`` affected - The ``result`` of the change. A :class:`ValueOwnerPair` if a PUT event, or ``None`` if a DELETE event. - The ``event_type`` - either :data:`EventType.PUT` or :data:`EventType.DELETE`. - The ``event_filter`` that generated this event. Note that if a queue subscribes to any intersecting filters, events that fall in the intersection will be placed in that queue once for every applicable filter. .. code-block:: python # Create a new event queue >>> eq = app.kv.event_queue() # Create two filters that intersect >>> starts_with_apple = eq.subscribe(prefix='apple') >>> between_a_and_b = eq.subscribe(start='a', end='b') # Create a new key starting with 'apple', triggering an event >>> app.kv['applesauce'] = b'11.30' # One event is put in the queue for each filter, since both filters hit the # key 'applesauce' >>> eq.get() Event(key='applesauce', result=ValueOwnerPair(value=b'11.30', owner=None), event_type=EventType.PUT, event_filter=EventFilter(start='apple', end='applf', event_type=EventType.ALL)) >>> eq.get() Event(key='applesauce', result=ValueOwnerPair(value=b'11.30', owner=None), event_type=EventType.PUT, event_filter=EventFilter(start='a', end='b', event_type=EventType.ALL)) Waiting for a Single Key ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ One common case is waiting for a single key to be set. This might contain a runtime configuration value that one container sets that others need, or it may signal that a service has started up to other containers that depend on it. The :func:`KeyValueStore.wait` method is provided for this common case. It will block until the key is set (usually by a different container). .. code-block:: python # In one container, block until the key is set, returning the value address = app.kv.wait('dask.scheduler.address') # In another container set the key app.kv['dask.scheduler.address'] = b'' Example - Atomic Counter ------------------------ Using the primitives above, we can create larger concurrency abstractions. Here we provide a simple recipe for an atomic shared counter. .. code-block:: python import uuid from contextlib import contextmanager import skein class Counter(object): """An atomic counter class. Parameters ---------- kv : KeyValueStore The application key-value store. key : str, optional The key to use to store the counter state. If absent a new counter is created with a unique random key. Examples -------- Create a new counter >>> c = Counter(app.kv) Increment the counter temporarily >>> with c.incrementing(): ... do_work() Block until the counter reaches 0 >>> c.wait_until_zero() """ def __init__(self, kv, key=None): key = key or uuid.uuid4().hex # Get the current value, or set it to 0 if new. value = kv.setdefault(key, int.to_bytes(0, 4, 'little')) if len(value) != 4: # The key already exists and isn't a valid counter raise ValueError("Key isn't a valid counter") self.kv = kv self.key = key def get(self): return int.from_bytes(self.kv[self.key], 'little') @contextmanager def incrementing(self): """Increment while inside a block""" try: self.increment() yield finally: self.decrement() def increment(self): """Increment and return the new value""" while True: # Try to increment atomically until success. Inefficient if high # increment/decrement rate, but fine for low bandwidth changes current = self.kv[self.key] new = (int.from_bytes(current, 'little') + 1) new_bytes = new.to_bytes(4, 'little') # Only set the value to the new value if the value hasn't # changed between when we got it above and now succeeded, _ = self.kv.transaction( conditions=[skein.kv.value(self.key) == current], on_success=[skein.kv.put(self.key, new_bytes)]) if succeeded: return new def decrement(self): """Decrement and return the new value""" while True: # Try to decrement atomically until success. Inefficient if high # increment/decrement rate, but fine for low bandwidth changes current = self.kv[self.key] new = (int.from_bytes(current, 'little') - 1) new_bytes = new.to_bytes(4, 'little') # Try to decrement atomically until success. Inefficient if high # increment/decrement rate, but fine for low bandwidth changes succeeded, _ = self.kv.transaction( conditions=[skein.kv.value(self.key) == current], on_success=[skein.kv.put(self.key, new_bytes)]) if succeeded: return new def wait_for_zero(self): """Block until the counter equals 0""" # Watch the event stream for changes, waiting for the value to # decrement to 0 for event in, event_type='PUT'): if int.from_bytes(event.result.value, 'little') == 0: return